Products & Services for better air duct systems

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Administrator manual

Note: i-klimaX requires the use of a current web browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome or Edge). If you are still using Internet Explorer, display problems may occur and some functions may not be available.


Registration as Administrator

You will need your user name and the appropriate password to log in as an admin. You have received both by e-mail. Open the following address in your web browser


Click on the button Menu (right, above) to open the registration form.


User name and password

Enter your admin user name and password in the respective input field and then click on the button Login.



Registration completed

After successful registration your company logo and the company name (+ admin) will appear.




Note: It is important that you unsubscribe from iklimax when you do not need it.



Open user administration

Click on the button User in the main menu to open the user management.



Menu structure User administration

The topmost button User shows you in brackets the currently available user quota. In this case 3 of possible 5 users are created. The user administration is divided into 3 areas. Click on the button List users or Search users to edit or delete the existing users. Click on the button Create user to create a new user within the contingent.



Extend the number of users

If the user quota is exhausted, you can add another user for a fee by clicking the green button User extend.



List users

In the functions menu, click on the button List Users to list all available users.

Listing of all users

The list shows all available users.



Edit User

In the user listing or in the search results, click on the user you want to edit.

Dialogue - Edit user

Change the user data accordingly. The input fields Company and First and last name can only be changed by you as admin. After these two fields you identify the orders of the user. The user can change or supplement his e-mail address and telephone number himself.

Then click on the button Save.



Set a new password

In the user list or search results, click on the user whose password you want to change.

Dialogue - New password

In the New Password ? field, select Yes, set new password and then click on Save.



New Password

The new password is displayed after saving. Communicate the new password to the user by e-mail or telephone. The password is only displayed in plain text at this point and is not saved in a readable form.



Search users

In the function menu, click on the button User search. Search for any word within all users. The search word can be e.g. the name of the user or just a part of it. You can also use the company name or the domain of the e-mail address as a search word to find all users of a certain company.


Creating users

Click on the button User Create.

Dialogue - Create user

Enter all the data of the future user if possible. The only mandatory fields are first and last name. The fields Company and First and Last Name can only be entered by you as an Admin. These two fields are used to identify the user's orders. The e-mail and telephone fields can be changed or added by the user himself.

Then click on the button Save.



User successfully created

After the user is created, you receive this confirmation. The user name and password are assigned automatically. Inform the future user of the user name and password by e-mail or telephone.



Delete user

Note: The deletion of a user's data can NOT be reversed. You delete the user, his projects, orders and parts irretrievably from the database.

In the user listings or search results, click on the user you want to list.

Dialogue - Edit user

Click on the button Delete user.



Confirm deletion

Click on the button Yes, delete to finally confirm the process.




In the main menu, click on the button Licence.



License details

Click in the function menu on the button License details.



Dialogue - License details

Here you can see the details of your i-klimaX licence, the type of licence, the possible number of users, the extension date and the remaining term in days. You can reduce the number of possible users here which will be automatically extended on the due date. The number cannot be smaller than the current number of users.



Log off

Note: By logging out you prevent the misuse of your i-klimaX access. By logging out you also release the i-klimaX access for further use. As long as you are logged in with your account, the access is blocked for further logins. After more than 30 minutes of inactivity you will be automatically logged out.

Click in the main menu; click on the button log off.
