Products & Services for better air duct systems

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Ambulatory Clinic Domont

Ambulatory Clinic Domont

After several attempts to improve ductwork airtightness and after airtightness testing through a certified expert (QUALIBAT 8721), an average leakage rate of airtightness class A was determined. At the beginning of the Aeroseal project, the entire ductwork was already installed and connected to the ventilating ceilings and the laminar flow ceilings. The suspended ceilings were already installed in most of the operating rooms. Against this background, the project supervisor contacted Sogestfa for an additional sealing with Aeroseal, in order to achieve the tendered airtightness class C.


Building: Ambulatory Clinic for Medical Imaging
City: Domont/France
Date: 23 June 2016
AEROSEAL Partner: Sogestfa
Target: Achievement of airtightness class C
Preseal leakage: 96,9 l/s in total
Postseal leakage: 6,6 l/s in total
Reduction of leakage: 93,4 % in average


In only one day, the duct systems were prepared, sealed and taken into service again. Two duct systems were sealed with 4 Aeroseal injections. On the first system (AHU SSPI), an airtightness class D could be reached on the supply side, and an airtightness class C on the return side. On the second system (AHU OP4), an airtightness class C could be reached on the supply side, and an airtightness class D on the return side. Thanks to Aeroseal, a dismantling of the suspended ceilings, the ventilating ceilings and the laminar flow ceilings wasn't necessary. The other trades on the building site weren't affected by the duct sealing with Aeroseal, which prevented additional delay of the building site as a whole. The cost of the Aeroseal injections was well below the cost for a traditional approach.


The customer Ambulatory Clinic for Medical Imaging in Domont was very pleased with the achievement (and even exceedance) of the tendered airtightness class C.